Luigi Pintacuda
Luigi Pintacuda (1979) is PhD in Architecture and Urban Studies (IUAV, Venice, 2012), earlier he was graduated in Architecture (Palermo, 2004). Following his research activities go on through teaching collaboration, tutoring and teaching in courses and workshops. He was founder of “Studio 3813” (Palermo, 2012) works on architecture, design and visual field.
His way of doing research does not miss the conduct of the profession: he has always carried out professional works believing they are the right completion of research. His profile can be considered humanistic/artistic, facing the architect/visual artist’s work at 360°: from graphics to video, from buildings to city. He considers those inseparable aspects of the architectural/artistic work even more today that in the past.
Within his research experience are highlighted: 1st prize in the "East centric Triennial” Essay contest, the essay is titled “Bucharest, waiting city”, president of the jury Juhani Pallasmaa, Bucharest 2013; participation in the “Festival di Parma 2011” ( work in collaboration with the professor Mauro March of IUAV); the organization of the international seminar "Villard 12, Palermo Mutazioni Urbane" (in collaboration with the Municipality of Palermo and 11 international Faculty of Architecture; participation in the exhibition "L’architettura del mondo,
infrastrutture, mobilità, nuovi paesaggi" at the Milan Triennale in 2012 (curated by Alberto Farlenga, Marco Biraghi, Benno Albrecht). His professional work ranges from design to video installation, from set-design to architecture. In the field of design is to emphasize the experience with the group "dUNA" (founded with two other architects from Palermo) whose work with contemporary jewelery; among the various experiences dUNA designed for Teatro Massimo of Palermo, but also it saled products at the bookshop of the Milan Triennale and the Lingotto in Turin; dUNA also was invited from the Polytechnic of Milan, Department of Fashion Design, to explain its work to young designer. In the field of design should be also emphasized the special mention of the jury for the competition "Wako, bathtub design for the Japanese bath" (2004), the publication and the exhibition of the work for the "Mini Design Award" at the Milan “Salone del Mobile” (2005) and the selection for the exhibition of the works related to the contest the "Mark of the Cultural System district of Rho" (Rho, 2006). His experience in contact with art led him to design exhibitions and visual communication for many events in Italy and around the world (Venezuela, Argentina, Australia, USA) sponsored by major institutions such as the Consulates General of Italy, Ministry of Culture, Regions, Provinces and Municipalities. Among latest experiences in art we report the assistance to the set-design for "Dialogues des Carmelites" at the Stuttgart Opera, whose scenes are conceived by the Sicilian artist Michele Canzoneri (Palermo / Stuttgart 2010/2011). Among his video works is to highlight: the first prize at the "Mediarch Film Festival" (Florence 2008); video installations commissioned for the exhibition "Resurrectio" by Enzo Venezia (Palermo, 2008); video installations commissioned for "Tesori ritrovati” (Monreale, 2008); the video installation "Transituum" (Geraci Siculo, 2010); the video clip "Sciara" (2011). In the field of architecture has won the competition for the installation StayPerView in collaboration with the Faculty of Engineering of Palermo and the SEP polycarbonates Italy (Palermo, 2008/2011), also be pointed invitations at the "Borghi Alti di Mare" (Ascoli Piceno, 2008) and the exhibition "DNA - drawings unauthorized" (Jesi, 2011). Some of his projects are also published in magazines and publications and have displayed at the Venice Biennale.
In 2012 he founded “3813 Studio Associato” with three other sicilian architect, with the studio in the same year he won the First Prize for the Villa Comunale di Sciacca. In 2013 Studio Associato 3813 receives the Triumph Mention for Brasilia Athletic Stadium Competition.
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