StayPerView is a device that generates meeting places.
Winning design of the workshop "Dal Progetto alla Costruzione", Università degli Studi di Palermo, Facoltà di Ingegneria, Facoltà di Architettura, 2008
What is a place for the meeting? And what does the space of shadow? You can design a meeting place? The meeting depends on an almost infinite number of variables. Trying to reduce the case to its minimum conditions, without changing its meaning, we consider the encounter between two people. When this meeting is planned, these people will meet in a decided place, in a set time, and supposedly there they will recognize themself.What is a place for the meeting? And what does the space of shadow? You can design a meeting place? The meeting depends on an almost infinite number of variables. Trying to reduce the case to its minimum conditions, without changing the meaning, we consider the encounter between two people. When this meeting is planned, these people will meet in an place decided, for a set time, and supposedly there, you will recognize. Assuming that there are no misunderstandings or misinterpretations between the two variables that undermine the success of the meeting'' are several: Another accidental meeting, a sickness or simply forgotten. But then it is possible, especially for a third person outside the meeting, plan a meeting place?
Another type of encounter, ruled by "laws" that differ little from previous ones, is the accidental meeting: those variables at the base of the first, which stipulated the exact space-time coordinates, now fail to give place to randomness. Even in this case would be presumptuous to bring order in this event, at most the designer's role may be to analyze the reasons for which the two protagonists are to meet, to go beyond; considerations that lead to observe the habits and interests of the people, but also the particularities of those places. Places that encourage stop, pass and, therefore, the chances of the match.
Often, many meeting places are not under project.
The problem, therefore, is the redefinition of the concepts. The meeting place is to be the place that favors the encounter. The designer should understand what are the qualities of such places in order to transfer into his project.
desing by Luigi Pintacuda with Claudia Padula, Nino Siragusa, Salvo Zarbo
with the contribution of: Cordioli, Sep policarbonato, Disano, Mevaco