TERRAFORMING is the theoretical process of modifying a planet to make it habitable by Earth-like life. / Terraforming is the design aims to make city denied lands habitable: areas between city and river that have prevented fruition of the river by the citizens. / CONCEPT is to “form” a new riverfront park, a LANDSCAPE OF HILLS that are the visible result of the recycling process of the material dredged from the river. / The five DESIGN AREAS identified for the competition are connected to each other through several connection areas: existing parks and abandoned areas. Design identifies A CONTINUOUS STRIP that connects the train station to the last river port before the lake. / The CONNECTIONS with the city are an extension of the main roads strengthen the RELATIONSHIP WITH URBAN FABRIC, they engrave their traces in the new hills. / The pedestrian and bicycle FLOWS creeping between the hills FOLLOW THE RIVER flow. / Research center and composting plant are the only BUILDINGS INTRODUCED: these are under TWO ARTIFICIAL HILLS that ensure the coherent settlement in the new hilly landscape. / NEW RIVERFRONT PARK IS NOT A STATIC PLACE. It's a place that, with time and with the increase of the dredged material, grows: this DESIGN IS THE CLEAREST EXPRESSION OF THE RECYCLING VIRTUOUS PROCESS of the dredged material and its transformation into the major resource for the construction of new riverfront. / MORE DREDGED MATERIAL, MORE LANDSCAPE.